14-Day Introduction to Spanish Story Challenge 📖✨

Build a solid foundation in Spanish basics to feel confident and ready to speak!

What will you learn?


Understand and practice masculine & feminine in Spanish while enjoying a short story about a crab who dreams of freedom but feels trapped in his routine—until one day, everything changes…

Discover singular & plural in Spanish through the heartfelt story of a peacock who craves fame and admiration—only to realize that true fulfillment might not be found in the spotlight.

Explore articles in Spanish with the story of a pony who dreams of creating art but finds that sometimes, the most important journey is discovering what truly makes you happy.

Learn personal pronouns in Spanish through the story of a ladybug who longs for compliments—until a simple change in perspective reveals the true power of self-acceptance.

Practice regular verbs in Spanish through the contrasting lives of two monkeys, each chasing adventure in their own way—one finding joy in the journey, the other struggling to find meaning.

Explore irregular verbs in Spanish with the story of a hardworking beaver and a curious deer—one focused on tasks, the other on savoring life, until a storm changes everything…

Explore  vs usted in Spanish through the story of a proud queen bee who keeps her distance from others—until a small act of kindness makes her reconsider what truly matters in the garden.

Explore greetings and goodbyes in Spanish with the story of a lone wolf who, in an attempt to fit in, learns the power of authenticity when he starts working at a mouse’s shop…

Explore introducing yourself in Spanish with the story of two swans: one confident and celebrated, the other shy and unnoticed—until a talent scout shows that what makes you different can be your greatest strength.

Explore numbers and personal information in Spanish with the story of a lonely swallow who meets a series of unremarkable suitors, only to come to a profound realization…

Practice initiating conversations in Spanish with the story of a jaguar and a bird who start with conflict but end up finding common ground, learning that despite their differences, they both play a vital role in the world around them…

Explore hobbies and interests in Spanish with the story of playful dolphins in a marine park who, while enjoying their favorite games, unknowingly venture into the vast ocean and discover a world beyond their wildest dreams. Will their playful spirit lead them to freedom?

Explore expressing preferences, wants, and needs in Spanish with the story of a dog and a cat—each with different desires, but through patience and understanding, they find a way to respect each other’s needs and create a bond. Will the dog’s persistent love finally bring them together?

Explore expressing your values in Spanish with the story of Tara and Kavi—two sisters who face hardship and separation, but Tara’s unwavering loyalty to her sister teaches them the true power of love. Will their bond help them navigate the challenges ahead?

Story Method®


Listen to short stories to familiarize yourself with Spanish and understand native speakers.


Speak and practice to integrate Spanish and speak with confidence and fluency.

Unlock the Magic of Stories to Master Spanish! 🪄

Get a new story with a transcript and translation every week—completely free—and take your Spanish to the next level!

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